
Definitive performances of Bix Beiderbecke’s five original piano pieces, plus new Hyman arrangements and improvisations on classic Beiderbecke recordings. A spectacular recording by seven-time Grammy nominee Keith O. Johnson, at the famed Skywalker Sound.

Hyman was composer, arranger, conductor, and pianist for many Woody Allen films including Bullets Over Broadway and Mighty Aphrodite. Other film scores have included Moonstruck and Billy Bathgate.

01. Thinking About Bix
02. Singin’ the Blues
03. Ostrich Walk
04. I’m Coming, Virginia
05. Jazz Me Blues
06. Candlelights
07. ‘Tain’t So, Honey, ‘Tain’t So
08. Since My Best Gal Turned Me Down
09. In the Dark
10. Clementine (From New Orleans)
11. Lonely Melody
12. In A Mist
13. Sweet Sue (Just You)
14. Wringing’ and Twistin’
15. Flashes
16. Davenport Blues
17. You Took Advantage of Me

Dick Hyman, piano
Mike Lipskin, piano